With VILLEPIN ART, we invite our peers to enter our world and experience the art through our eyes, sharing a meaningful experience. We intend to bring together collectors, institutions, and artists in one place, where we exhibit the art in a personal way.

The Gallery

Located on Hollywood Road – the heart of Hong Kong’s art district – the gallery is housed in a three-story building reminiscent of the quintessential French Maison.  Paris, renowned as the city of culture, is well known for its vibrant diversity in the arts. Art is ubiquitous throughout the city via architecture, monuments, museums, and lifestyle. Inspired by this diversity, VILLEPIN ART aims to place the French 'art de vivre' and flair at the core of the experience, always prioritizing authenticity. Our space reiterates the conventions of an old Parisian house, where we imbue the atmosphere with the spirit of French culture and refinement. We focus primarily on emerging and established artists, and secondarily on curated museum exhibitions.

The Advisory

Villepin has established a global presence, with dedicated advisory teams located in key art hubs around the world. This international network provides our clients with seamless access to our comprehensive suite of collector services. Our team of seasoned art advisors work closely with collectors to create a tailored journey, combining a wide range of services. We are committed to developing long-term value for our clients, treating art as a strategic asset class. We identify both emerging and established artists poised for growth, providing clients with the opportunity to invest in artistic careers. Through our multifaceted platform, Villepin empowers collectors to navigate the dynamic art world, creating value and experiences that are truly tailored to their unique needs and aspirations.